Monday, 21 January 2013

Code And Conventions

Code And Conventions

Codes are computer systems of signs, which can create meaning. Most codes can be split into two different categories which is technical and symbolic. Codes are usually accepted in ways of doing things such as use of equipment. 
Technical Codes: technical codes are all used in the way all equipment is used and shows how it is used and made in media text, such as a camera in a film.
The range of different types of factual programming:
Television news:
Broadcast from television come from a particular structure meaning all broadcasts stick with this structure.
The structure of television reports consist of all the same elements in films and in their techniques.

  • Set time to be broadcast: a specific time has to be selected before the airing of news broadcast at times when people will expect it to be like the 10:00 pm news.
  • Multiple Camera's are nesscesarey for filming in different parts of a news studio just like when the news anchor shows something on a screen the camera changes to a different so people will be able to see it better.
  • The Studio's set up is one of the most important parts of the broadcast every must be set out so it is in the camera.
  • Background structure is also important in emphysythies how imnportant some parts of the news are and that if the background music was not included there report would sound a little boring.
  • And the News Anchor at the desk is always important when reading the news report and gets the audiences attention.
  • The news reported can come from anywhere worldwide, local or national so it keeps people up to date on the worlds important current events.

  • Sometime Reporters report some of the news in person in order to get some people's story or there interviews in the case of witnesses or experts as you can see from the image of the reporter live.

  • Recorded videos/images are important in many cases on the news and it helps provide an example of what is happening.
  •  When filming the news the angle and caption has to be just right so people pay attention to whats happening in front of them.

Radio News:
the symbolic codes in the radio are Rythem,Volume, Pitch and Texture.

  • Rythem: meaning the characters voice and speed that it goes at.
  • Volume: how loud the characters voice or movements are.
  • Pitch: when a voice is high or low depending on mood.
  • Texture: All of these elements together.
The cultural codes are Language, Dialect and Accent.
Technical choices are sound effects, music and Silence.

TV documentary:

  • When doing a documentary the voice needs to match the moment of filming and needs to apply to the setting and that it matches the explanations when the video is showing said explanation.
  • In some documentary's they use stock footage of the events that they film and occasionally use their own footage.
  •  In wild life documentary's they include interviews of experts or of witnesses to make sure the information they acquire for the audience is correct or to give examples or even show what happens around the area the wild life lives in.
  • In documentary's they use specific in the surroundings to emphasize what they are saying or what is happening during the music.
  • Natural lighting and sound also emphasize part of the documentary as well so that the moments are more realistic to the audience.       

  • The front page of the newspaper is one of the most crucial elements of a newspaper, book or a magazine because it is always the cover people see first and its what they see on the cover that makes them want to read said magazine.
  • The headline is also what attracts people into reading such as when the headline involves a tax increase or  something even more important in current events.
  • When making a newspaper or a magazine it is important that the images selected match the article perfectly or at least make it match the situation.
  • Also at the beginning to make sure that people can find what they bought the magazine you should put in a menu that shows whats happening and on what page.
  • The average price of a magazine is somewhere on £5 or in the case of a newspaper it is a least more than a £1.
  • A newspaper is usually given out almost every day of the week but in the case of a magazine at least once a month before they make a new issue.
  • And the size of a tabloid or magazine are completely different a magazine is usually a lot thinner and a tabloid is lot bigger because it has more news stories and different sections and ads.         

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Jobs in photography

Jobs in photography

Technical: camera operator: Working by the camera is not as easy as it looks so it is smart not to take this job lightly. Camera operating requires a steady hand and being quick to react like in many live documentaries or on the news because it is absolutely crucial that the camera man makes sure that nothing gets in the way of the filming. 11,500 - 40,000+ per year.

Editorial: photo editing: Where the photographer must take a look at the photograph and other work to make sure which photo is the best for the news or any other area’s within this field. And also what parts to edit over so some things don’t get in the way of the photo and so it does not draw attention away from the photo that explains things. The salary of a photo editor is £14,420 - 33,597 per.

Creative: fashion photographer and freelance: Fashion photographer can work in any creative field such as magazines, news, events on the red carpet or even for social news. A freelance is a photographer who sells the photos he/she takes to a newspaper or a magazine and is in charge of paying their own expenses such as camera, equipment and food but is allowed to go anywhere to take their photos if they have access to that place. A freelance makes £10,000 - £100,000 depending on the worth of the pictures sold over time and added up into total profit. A fashion photgraphers salary £10,500 - £21,250. 

Managerial:  The manager is responsible for the actions of an entire group because the manager decides what is best to be done with photographs or videos, to edit or to not be included. Or to decide what members of a group should do. Managers in there field make up to £125,000 per year.

Sales and marketing: freelance photographers market their own work sell it themselves online or newspapers for a profit. Or send people on paper routes to send new papers or magazines to people who have subscribed to them or at the news agent’s people subscribe to a magazine and receive things like books from said magazine.
Admin: the administrator is in charge and in control and organises all the groups. the administrator can occasionally change to the role of general manger or company secretary. An administrator makes at least £12,081 - £22,457  

Salaries and Contracts: salaries is the amount of payment you recieve on a weekly or monthly basis depending on the agreement of your contract or job status. Salaries are usally determined in the contract but can also be negotiated by the employee or employer especialy if said pwerson needs to be hired and in some cases the highest paid job is that of a manager.